Philadelphia C-PACE: Financing for Clean Energy, Resiliency and IAQ Projects
$240 Million in C-PACE projects financed in Philadelphia
Commercial Property-Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing helps commercial property owners pay for energy efficiency, water conservation, clean energy, indoor air quality (IAQ) and resiliency projects. This innovative financing tool allows borrowers to save money on utility bills while reducing their carbon footprints, provide healthier indoor conditions for occupants and improve stormwater management and other flood, fire and wind protective measures.
About the Program Administrator

The Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) is an independent municipal authority established by Philadelphia City Council. PEA is authorized to facilitate, develop and finance energy efficiency, storage and generation projects; to purchase or facilitate energy supply and energy services on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, government agencies, institutions and businesses; to educate consumers; and to promote the clean energy sector by undertaking efforts to strengthen the energy efficiency, storage and generation markets in Philadelphia. Philadelphia City Council appointed PEA as Program Administrator for the Philadelphia C-PACE Program.
As Program Administrator, PEA reviews and approves applications, manages the billing and lien processes, engages in market education and supports the growth of the C-PACE program.
Learn more about PEA at
For information on Pennsylvania C-PACE outside of Philadelphia, please visit