
The Philadelphia C-PACE program requires that a Property Owner obtain a project survey from a qualified engineer for energy, IAQ and resiliency projects. Survey requirements are available in the Program Guidelines in Resources.

C-PACE ENERGY projects must generate measurable energy savings or water usage reductions. The Energy Survey establishes an energy or water baseline and the projected savings or usage reductions. Engineers can help Property Owners identify additional energy- and water-saving measures to include in a C-PACE project.

C-PACE Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). New construction/gut rehab projects must be designed to meet one of several standards/requirements specified in the Program Guidelines. Existing building projects must use one of the prescribed IAQ measures in the Program Guidelines.

C-PACE RESILIENCY projects must increase a property’s ability to withstand a natural disaster including flooding, fire, wind and earthquakes. Stormwater management, hardening of a property’s structure and equipment to withstand flooding, and energy resilience improvements are all allowable under the Program Guidelines.

How It Works

Engineering professionals play a central role in each C-PACE project.

  1. Confirm Qualifications

    ENERGY: The energy conservation measure (ECM) survey for each C-PACE project must be prepared and submitted by a qualified engineer who holds at least one of the following certifications or licenses:

    • Certified Building Energy Assessment Professional (BEAP)
    • Certified Energy Auditor (CEA)
    • Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
    • Certified High-Performance Building Design Professional (HBDP)
    • Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP)
    • Licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.)
    • Investor Confidence Project (ICP) Quality Assurance Assessor
    • Investor Confidence Project (ICP) Developer
    • Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC)
    • EMA’s Energy Management Professional (EMP)

    IAQ: qualifications to prepare an IAQ survey include professional designer/engineer with documented expertise in IAQ including:

    • RESET AP
    • WELL AP
    • IAQ Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)
    • Professional Engineer (PE)
    • Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC)

    RESILIENCY: A Project Survey for a Resiliency Improvement shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer (P.E.) or Architect licensed in the State of Pennsylvania. Requests for exceptions will be considered by the Program Administrator.

  2. Optional Self-Certification with PEA

    The Program Administrator is seeking firms that have capabilities to conduct IAQ and/or resiliency project surveys. The information below is specific to Energy Surveys.

    Recognizing that not all Property Owners are familiar with qualified engineers capable of producing an ECM Survey, PEA is accepting self-certification from such firms via a form on the Resources page.

    PEA will list self-certified qualified engineering firms on the Qualified Engineering firms page.

    PEA does not verify, vet, endorse, or rank any of the firms or individuals listed.

  3. Create ECM Survey

    Engineering firms work with Property Owners to produce an ECM Survey comparing the baseline to the projected energy and water savings resulting from the project. ECM Survey requirements vary depending on whether the Property Owner is pursuing an energy efficiency, water conservation or renewable energy project. Energy Survey requirements can be found in the Program Guidelines Section 4.3 (link below). Please contact PEA with any questions on energy modeling approaches.

Have a question?

Visit the FAQs page or contact PEA to learn more about the C-PACE process.

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Related Resources

What is C-PACE?

C-PACE is a financing structure that allows commercial property owners to borrow money for energy and water efficiency improvements and renewable energy installations via a special assessment similar to a property tax assessment.

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Ready to Apply?

Complete the form on application page or contact us for more information.

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